The Educational Reform Bill signed into law in July 1993 requires that all schools in Massachusetts form School Advisory Councils (SAC). These councils consist of the school principal and representatives from the school, parent, and community. In the spirit of collaboration, the council provides parents with a meaningful opportunity to help shape programs and decisions, assisting the principal in identifying needs of the school community, adopting educational goals, and formulating the School Improvement PlanAll meetings are remote and begin at 2:10.  The link for each meeting is provided on the agenda. Minutes are posted following approval by the SAC.

Tim Hislop, Principal/Co-chair

Lynn Lamburn, Parent/Co-chair

Beenu Gupta, Teacher Representative

Jenny Lawton, Teacher Representative

Sandra Habe, Community Representative

David Lundgren, Parent Representative

Thank you to the 2022-2023 Blanchard School Council!

We will be looking for new members to serve on Blanchard's 2023/2024 School Advisory Council. Interested parents, caregivers, and community members please contact to Blanchard Principal Tim Hislop for more information.  

2023/2024 Meeting Dates




