University of Westford

The "University of Westford" is a professional development activity of the Westford Public Schools. The program originated in discussion with the Westford Educators Association as an in-house alternative to graduate-level courses at local colleges and universities. These courses are offered at no cost to Westford educators.

Credit earned from these courses can be applied toward salary increments as outlined in the contract between the School Committee and the Westford Education Association (see the Approval box at left). These credits will not be accepted by outside colleges and universities or recognized by other school systems.

As with university and college courses, University of Westford credits can be counted as Professional Development Points (PDPs) for teaching license renewal.


To register for a course, email your name, school, and the course name after clicking the Email button at left.


If you plan to use a University of Westford course for column movement on the salary scale, you must receive Principal and district approval PRIOR TO the first session. For more information, see the Course Approval page.

You can download the Approval Form


If you are interested in offering a course through the University of Westford, click the Download button at left to download a copy of the University of Westford Handbook. The handbook is in PDF format and can be viewed and printed using the free Adobe Reader.