Bullying and Cyber-Safety Sites for Students

Bullying and Cyber-Safety Sites for Students

Upper Elementary, Grades 3-5
Middle School, Grades 6-8
High School, Grades 9-12
Internet Safety Video clips and music that cover topics of identity protection and Internet safety in general
Information on bullying and bullying prevention
Presents information in a format appealing to middle school children, slightly edgy, doesn’t talk down to children
Offers opportunities for students to get involve, share experiences
Teen Angels - A group of 13 to 18 year old students who are trained in all aspects of online safety and security.
Link provides information on starting a “Teen Angels’ group at the middle schools
Cyber bullying
Provides definitions, statistics, how to talk to a parent
Dating Violence
This site deals with relationship and technology abuse. It has self help areas as well as information on how to help a friend.
Dating Violence
National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center