Blanchard Daily Announcements 04/04/2023

Daily Announcements are shared with students each morning.  Parent announcements are communicated weekly via the Principal's Weekly Newsletter. 

To view after school clubs visit the Blanchard Events Calendar on the Blanchard website.

Outdoor Adventure club will meet by the main entrance this afternoon when walkers and pickups are called.  Please bring your signed permission slip to Mrs. Brandt in the Learning Commons during advisory.

Thank you to all who participated in our March Spirit Contest.  There is no doubt that our sixth graders top the charts with Blanchard spirit.  Congratulations 6th graders, your prize will be coming to you very soon!

All members of French Club, BTA and 7th and 8th grade chorus should report to the gym immediately following announcements for a group yearbook photo. Anyone who has participated in BTA this year should also join the photo even if they are not currently participating.

Dungeons and Dragons Club will meet in the Learning Commons this afternoon.