Blanchard Daily Announcements 5/28/2021

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Aiden L. shared the meaning of Memorial Day and taught us about the history and significance of this holiday.   As part of our celebration of Memorial Day Aiden read the poem The Men Who Died Too Soon.


The Men Who Died Too Soon

By John Posey 

The flag flies over this land of the brave and the free

as a symbol of the liberty enjoyed by you and me.

It flutters in the breeze of a quiet afternoon

reflecting sounds of battles in which men died too soon.


The flag flies overhead in cities and in towns

where people seek a haven from worlds turned upside-down.

It tries, gallantly, to honor, on quiet afternoons,

memories of warriors -- young men who died too soon.


The flag flies overhead -- unseen, by some, it seems,

who hurry on their separate ways in search of private dreams.

It waves farewell then, it appears, with the rise of the evening moon,

it gently reaches out to touch the men who died too soon.