RLA Supply & Yearbook Distribution Tomorrow

Reminder:  The following items will be available for drive through pick up at Blanchard on Wednesday, September 23, 2020 from 12-1:30.


* All Remote Learning Academy students can pick up a dry erase board, marker, and eraser.

* Any 7th or 8th grade Remote Learning Academy student who purchased a yearbook last year can pick up his/her yearbook.


Please note that dry erase boards, markers, erasers, and yearbooks will be passed out in school for any student in the hybrid model.  Yearbooks will be sent to Westford Academy or Nashoba Technical School to be distributed to current 9th graders.  We will mail yearbooks to any current 9th graders in the Remote Learning Academy.


Please pull up to the front of the building.  A sign with your child's name and the item(s) he/she is picking up would be helpful.