update! SB 11-13-2020

This week flew by and missing the opportunity to celebrate the peak of the week on Wednesday, I almost forgot that today was Friday or as one of my favorite teachers affectionately called, “the end of the snail’s trail”.  I have been saying that during the announcements all year, but completely missed it today and almost forgot to play dismissal music...ahhh...could you imagine...I am sure none of the students would have wanted to leave for the weekend :-)



Chinese (Simplified)




As it was a shorter week, I am struggling with what to ramble on about, so consider it my gift to you...brevity.


SB Fall Parent Conference info was emailed out to everyone this past Tuesday morning. 


Last weekend to place orders from the SBPTO annual apparel sale; it ends November 15th.  Access the online store at . Additionally, take a moment to read their first Newsletter at this link 


This week’s notes from the clinic are brought to you by abbreviations:


NFTC-Nov 13th:


There will be one more opportunity to receive the flu vaccine through the schools on Friday, November 20th. The only type of vaccine remaining is the Flumist which is a live attenuated vaccine given intranasally. If your child is still in need of a vaccine and would like it administered here at Stony Brook, please sign up through the Health Dept (access here for more information). 


A letter was drafted by the Westford Public School Nurses with updates and clarifying information about isolation, quarantine and close contacts. Please refer to the following website link:


There have been more cases of COVID in Westford and the surrounding towns over the past few weeks but to date there have been no cases of transmission within our school buildings. Continue to reach out to me if your child is feeling unwell in the morning-particularly on a Monday. Transitions are not easy for some students and every other week can bring anxiety upon their return. If your child wakes up with a stomach ache on a Monday-please call me and we can talk through what might be going on. Not every stomach ache or headache is related to COVID. With this pandemic, stress and anxiety are also on the rise. If your child is struggling with anxiety and fears about coming to school, please reach out so that we can support them and share information about what we are doing here at Stony Brook to keep everyone safe.


As always, let me know if you have any questions or concerns. 


Sue Hanly, MSN, RN








Dr. Christopher Chew


Stony Brook School



Child Search

If you know of any child attending public or private school, or who is homeless or has left school, and could benefit from a special education evaluation under Chapter 766 or educational services under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, please contact the Special Education Department in Westford.  (978-692-5560 ext. 2111)


Every effort will be made to contact the parents to advise them of their rights under these laws.