Day 1 Traffic Report live on SB! 9-16-2020

Sunrise over the Stony Brook School on September 16, 2020


Chinese (Simplified)



It was a beautiful sunrise over the school this morning and both our new arrival and dismissal processes...happened.  Things did go relatively smoothly; the line of traffic was long but we had most everyone in the building before 7:35.  I delayed the pledge and moment of silence a few minutes just to make sure we were settled and that probably wasn't necessary.  The afternoon took a little bit longer as finding the right bus in this new format was a bit of challenge for some...but eventually all of the bus riders got on a bus and all of the car riders were eventually picked up. I was able to check on each Advisory at some point today and there were plenty of smiling eyes and thumbs up...I even visited a few of the RLA advisories after walking by a few teachers seemingly talking to themselves in the middle of their rooms.  All in all, it was a successful first Day 1 of the 2020-2021 School...the second Day 1 will be next Monday when we welcome all of our B Pod Hybrid students into the building for the first time. 

So, two takeaways for all of us to remember in terms of the busses:

1.  It is REALLY important that students know their address so that we can quickly ask a bus driver which bus goes by a certain road if a student forgets their bus number.

2. Make sure every student knows their bus number.


As far as the car traffic out back goes, we also have some takeaways:

1. Students can get out of the car anywhere along the back, kick them out wherever the traffic stops you along the back of the building...they do not need to get out at their respective Grade level door...they can walk to the correct door.  We need to keep the traffic moving so that any back-up on Farmer Way is minimized.  

2. Dismissal is at 11:00 everyday.


Let’s try it all again tomorrow :-)



Dr. Christopher Chew


Stony Brook School


*Translation provided by Google Translate