Gr8 Caucusing...update! SB 2-7-2020

Well, Iowans might not be feeling all of the caucus love that they have felt in the past, but our Gr8 students really nailed down the process when they participated in a caucus simulation last Monday.  Rather than dealing with the political strife of candidates, they used the process to explore how caucusing for a potential new school mascot would work. They were able to experience first hand the difference between a caucus and a primary and were even able to know their results within the first 24 hours. Go figure.  They went old school and were not reliant on technology...of course, one might think that would be a greater challenge for them in the first place, so perhaps it is safer to say they persevered without being able to engage with technology.  


While our Gr8 students were exploring an aspect of what life could be like in a far off place like Iowa, some of our Gr6 and Gr7 students were able to see their work get closer to the stars through the Student Spaceflight Experiments Program (SSEP).  The National Center for Earth and Space Science Education (NCESSE) website has been updated with the finalists for Mission 14. Westford is community #14. To view the proposals of both the finalists selected for the flight and those receiving honorable mentions, access this link: Finalists for Mission 14 to the ISS 


It’s finally here, we have been reminding you for weeks and this upcoming Wednesday is our Gr8 students and families opportunity to attend the Westford Academy Information Night.  For all of our families with Gr8 students, here is the updated version of the letter sent previously from WA regarding their information night taking place next week on February 12, 2020: Revised WA 8th Grade Letter to Parents


As mentioned last week, If you are cleaning out any extra Legos or K'Nex, could please consider donating them to our Makerspace? Our SB librarian, Ms. Smith, is organizing an upcoming Stony Brook Master Builders competition and we could use your help to provide additional resources for all of the budding master builders. 


Duplo Blocks are more my speed, so I am eager to be both amazed and humbled by the things our students will create.


Have a great weekend,




Dr. Christopher Chew


Stony Brook School

The Summer School for the Performing Arts at Westford Academy


For information about the SSPA 2020 Open House on March 4, 2020, please access this link: SSPA 2020 Open House Flyer


The Westford Parent Connection Movie Screening 

The Westford Parent Connection and the Westford Special Education Parent Advisory Council is hosting a screening of the film, The Kids We Lose, on Wednesday, February 12, at 7:00 p.m. at Stony Brook.


Other upcoming Westford Parent Connection events include:


February 25: The Dangers of Vaping, with Westford Police Detective and WA SRO Geoffrey Pavao, in collaboration with the Westford Health Department and See A New Sun Foundation (SANS). [Snow date February 26.]


February 27: The Opposite of Spoiled: Raising Kids Who Are Grounded, Generous, And Smart About Money. Westford Parent Connection book discussion group.


For a complete list of events for the remainder of 2020, go to, or contact Mary Anne Seraphin at


NEW for the Spring 2020 Season!




Who is eligible? 


Any 7th or 8th grade girl

There will be two teams - one at each school


When are practices and games?


After school - 2:15-3:45pm practices, 4pm games

Practices will be 3 days/week + Games 1 day/week (with Fridays off)


When does the season begin?

Season kicks off on March 30th and runs through mid-June


What is the fee?

The fee is $210 which includes a reversible pinnie.  

Each player is also required to register at US Lacrosse for $30


*Included with registration fee are two FREE Clinics - see reverse side for details


Players must provide their own stick and goggles


Sign-up by: Friday, February 28, 2020


Register at:


If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Jodi Cipriano at or Julie Olivier at



Girls invited to attend both clinics:  


Friday 2/7 at Blanchard - 2:15-3:45pm 

Friday 3/6 at Stonybrook - 2:15-3:45pm


Clinics will be run by the WA Varsity Lacrosse Coach, Julie Olivier and members of the WA Varsity Lacrosse team


Girls can sign-up for clinics in the main office.  


Sticks and goggles will be provided for players who want to try out equipment.


Transportation between schools will not be provided for the clinics.



Is a middle school aged program and

 is self-funded and sponsored by Westford Youth Lacrosse and 

the Westford Junior Ghost Girls Lacrosse Committee


Westford Academy presents Camp Sunshine Night - Worcester Railers vs. Adirondack Thunder

DCU Center located at 50 Foster Street Worcester, MA 01608

Saturday, March 21st at 7:05 PM

Tickets $20, with a portion of the price going to Camp Sunshine


Join the Students of Westford Academy at the Worcester Railers on March 21st as we support Camp Sunshine! Camp Sunshine is a camp in Casco, Maine for Children (and their families) as they face serious Illness. Tickets are $20 and include a Railers hat!  Make sure to purchase your tickets through the link! Offer expires 48 hours prior to puck drop. All tickets purchased will be emailed prior to the game! Make sure to wear your Camp Sunshine yellow for a post game photo on the ice following the game. 

Go Camp Sunshine! 


Westford Youth Baseball and Softball Registration Now Open: Spring will soon

be here and that means Baseball and Softball season is fast approaching. The

Westford Youth Baseball and Softball League (WYBSL) is currently accepting

registrations for player ages 4-16 at all skill levels. Baseball and Softball

are great ways to develop confidence, strength, determination and teamwork

while having a lot of fun. Baseball and Softball are the safest team sports

to play! And with low registration and equipment costs it makes it a great

sport for any child. All practices are local with 1-2 days a week

(non-mandatory) commitment for games and practices. It is a great way to get

out and enjoy the fresh air and sunshine while learning a sport rooted in

history and Americana.


Registration is currently open on the WYBSL website here, until March 15th,

,2020. Receive a discount on registration if you register before January

31st, 2020. Our first games begin mid April with Opening Day Ceremonies

tentatively slated for May 2nd. For more information visit our website at


Parent Support Group Sponsored by the Westford Health Department

This support group is a free drop in group, available to any parent who is concerned that their child might be struggling with a mental health issue. This can be something such as ADD, or some sadness, lots of worries or perhaps something more defined. This is a pro bono group offered for parents to come together and share ideas, offer support to each other and realize that they are not alone in our concern for our children. Facilitators are: Dianne Walsh, LICSW (Cognitive- Behavioral Therapist) and Sue Hanly, RN (school nurse at Stony Brook School). All groups include discussion and sharing by any member who is interested in getting feedback from the group. You do not need to be a Westford resident to attend. (Every other session this year will not have a set topic but will instead be an opportunity to share stories and strategies with other parents.)

To be included on the group email: feel free to contact: Dianne Walsh, LICSW ( or 508-566-3189) or Sue Hanly, RN ( or 978-501-0837)

Dates: 10/8; 11/12; 1/14; 2/11; 3/10; and 5/12

Location: 25 Depot Street-Millennium School (behind Abbot)- Large All Purpose Room

Time: 7:00 pm -8:30 pm

For questions, please call 978 692-5509


October 8th-Anxiety and School Avoidance; Helping your child be successful

November 12th-Open discussion

January 14th-Positive Parenting

Feb 11th-Open discussion

March 10th-Depression

May 12th-Open discussion