Jump into the Long Weekend...update! SB 10-9-2020

In my basement, sits the drum set I have had since I was in 7th grade.  It is a Tama Swingstar designed to resemble Eddie Van Halen’s iconic guitar pattern.  One of the first tape cassettes I ever purchased on my own at the newly opened Tower Records in Chelmsford was Van Halen’s 1984.  I couldn’t wait to get it home and play it in my boom box. When the opening moments sounded distorted each time I tried to start the tape, I would rewind and try it again, and again, eventually taking out some of the tape and using a pencil to rewind it by hand...ultimately, I had a fit.  Once my emotions were regulated again (not a term I would have been at all familiar with in the mid 80s), I realized the recording was produced to be distorted in the opening track.  This stroll down memory lane won’t necessarily mean anything to most people, but a few of you might be quietly nodding in solidarity.  Today’s dismissal selection was “Jump” (insert sounds of electronic keyboard chords here)...


Translations via Google Translate

Chinese (Simplified)




Last week, I shared information about the MGH ARCHES project survey that will be conducted later in the month.  Next week, we are going to begin providing students the opportunity to complete the PANORAMA survey that is helping us to gather feedback on social emotional wellbeing of our students. For more information about the survey please access this link: SB PANORAMA Student Survey Oct 2020


Additionally, it is that time of the year that we notify families of a few specific Health topics that will be addressed in Health classes this year.  Please access the following grade-level specific letters that have more information in them regarding those specific units.  Unlike years past, students do not take health all year and some students are not scheduled to take health until later in the spring.  These letters are for everyone as all students will rotate through a section of Health at some point throughout the year.  


Grade 6 - Puberty and Hygiene

Grade 7- Disease Prevention and Safety

Grade 8- Human Sexuality


These weeks’ installment of Notes from the Clinic (brought to you by generic hand sanitizer):


This is a reminder for all parents. If you call your child in sick to the attendance line and they are being tested for COVID, please also call my direct line. There has been an increase in testing done for children and families if they have some of the COVID symptoms.  Not every illness will require a test so if you have any questions, call and we can have a discussion. If one child in a family is out sick,  the entire family does not need to stay home!


Since March, myself, along with Kathy Bourdeau the WA nurse, have assisted Gail Johnson, the Westford Public Health Nurse with the surveillance and investigation of positive COVID residents in Westford. It has been a privilege to speak to so many families who have recovered from Coronavirus and have followed the guidelines to isolate and quarantine. Please know how much I respect privacy and confidentiality. Often the individual who has recovered from the virus has to ‘go through hoops’ to return to their normal life because of misinformation. Anyone who tests positive has to be in isolation for 10 days from symptom onset. Close contacts (someone you spent more than 15 minutes with, less than 6 feet apart in the 48 hours prior to symptom onset) and family members need to  quarantine for 14 days following their last exposure to that person. Please see the following CDC link for more information: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/if-you-are-sick/quarantine.html


If anyone tests positive at SB-a staff member or student-you will receive notification that there was a positive case in our building. But information will not be shared about which grade or classroom they are in. Only close contacts of that individual will be notified in order to give them quarantine instructions. The WPS district has worked hard to minimize close contacts here at school-thus the 6 feet distancing, less than 15 minutes, wearing of mask protocols. The health and safety of our students and staff is of utmost importance to me, but so is privacy and confidentiality. 


Enjoy the weekend and continue to send in the flu vaccinations-any type of documentation is acceptable. Sue

Sue Hanly, MSN, RN, NCSN


978-392-6974 (direct line number)

WPS Nurses blog: https://westfordpshealthservices.weebly.com/

As some clubs and activities are starting to meet remotely, we have been making announcements in the mornings for everyone who is in the building.  We do not email out our daily announcements to the listserve as the majority of the feedback we have received is that folks prefer not getting too many emails in their inboxes.  So, to that end, I encourage you to check the daily announcements tab on our website regularly...or better yet...encourage your middle schooler to get in the practice of checking them when they are not physically in the building.


Pictures are being taken on Tuesday for the A-Pod students.  O’Connor studios sent out all of the information via email.  If you have not seen it, I would encourage you to check your junk or SPAM folder for something from oconnorstudios.com.  Those lovely photos will also be included in our 2020-2021 #whowouldeverwanttoforgetthisyear SB Yearbook.  Here is the link shared last week with the current offer from the company: SB Yearbook October Discount Flier 


Have a wonderfully relaxing long weekend!




Dr. Christopher Chew


Stony Brook School



Westford Middle School PTO has been Restructured.


Westford Elementary PTO has changed its name to Westford PTO, and now both Stony Brook PTO and Blanchard PTO are under their non-profit umbrella. Based on that change, the first ever STONY BROOK PTO Meeting will be held next Tuesday, 10/13 at 2:15. Please find the Zoom Link below. We will be electing a board, establishing our budget, voting on a new logo and reviewing upcoming PTO activities.  If you are interested in joining the board or have questions, please contact us at stonybrookschoolpto@gmail.com.  


Topic: SBS PTO Monthly Meeting

Time: Oct 13, 2020 2:15 to 3:15pm


Join Zoom Meeting



Meeting ID: 874 6838 3257

Passcode: 225313