Nature's Costume...update!SB 10-30-2020

Our wonderful digital learning specialist, Mrs. Schultz, told me just before dismissal that it looked like Mother Nature decided to wear a costume today, as well.  Another Themed Friday in the books!  As committed as we were in the main office to our 80s themed costumes, I think we paled in comparison to the group of Gr8 students who all wore t-shirts with quotes from their teacher.  Well played indeed. 


Translations via Google Translate

Chinese (Simplified)




This past week the Social Emotional Learning subgroup of the WPS Reopening Committee asked us to remind everyone about the resources that have been curated and created by our WPS school psychologists.  Links to their website have been prominently displayed on our SB Website since they created them back in the spring. However, as they continue to update the resources and provide additional supports for all of our families, it is a great thing to remind everyone to visit the Social Emotional Well-Being Website - Click here for the District Web Page created by our School Psychologists.  Click here for a list of resources addressing well-being, food assistance, financial assistance and more under the Community Resources tab.


A few weeks ago we shared the Pie Fundraiser that the WA class of 2023 was conducting.  Next week is the last week to place an order:


 Thanksgiving Pies!

WA Class of 2023 is selling pies for Thanksgiving from October 16-Nov. 4th.  Pickup will be at Westford Academy after school on Tuesday Nov. 24 and Wednesday Nov. 25th.  Please click here to see the flyer and link to order delicious pies from a local bakery.


Notes from the Clinic brought to you by old pillow cases...the candy bag choice for generations:


I am still missing many 7th grade physicals and immunization records. Please send them into me as soon as possible. An email was sent out to the parents of these students yesterday. Thank you for all of the records that came in today but I am still missing 50 records. The physical/immunization record I am looking for is the one from this past winter, spring, summer or fall. Last fall’s record would have all of the necessary immunizations! (Except the flu vaccine).  


There are also many missing yellow emergency cards. An emergency card was included in the packet put together for the remote students. If you cannot find your copy, please let me know and I will send another one home. I need one for every student regardless of whether or not your child is in school or at home. 


For information on Coronavirus in the community, please refer to the Westford Health Dept link: Jeff Stephens, the health director in Westford, updates this weekly including the number of active cases in town. There is a lot of information in the news about communities being in the red, green and yellow. The town of Westford has a population of approximately 23,140 residents. If there are five cases in a 2 week period of time, we would be in the green zone; if there are 13 cases in a 2 week period, we would be in the yellow zone; if there are 26 cases in a 2 week period of time, we would be in the red zone. Please remember that we do have 2 nursing homes in our community. As a school district, if there is a positive case in one of the schools, that school community will get a notice regarding this signed by the principal and the school nurse. To date, we have had no positive cases at Stony Brook Middle School. Thank you for your continued support. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me with individual questions or concerns. 


Halloween is Saturday and as a member of the Board of Health, we voted unanimously for this tradition to take place in town. There are recommendations and suggestions in place-please see the health dept website for information from the town of Westford. 


Dr. Chew is including information about a flu clinic for staff and students next Wed, Nov 7th. Please note, registration is through the Westford Health Dept not the individual schools. 


Be safe and know that the physical and emotional health of students, families and staff is very important to me. Let me know if you would like your email address added to our parent support group listserv (This is run by myself and Dianne Walsh, an LICSW). During COVID, we have been unable to meet in person but monthly emails are sent out including information about resources. Send an email to my personal email address: if you would like to be added to the group.  


Sue Hanly, MSN, RN, NCSN

978-392-6974 (direct line) (WPS Nurses blog:


Looking to the near mentioned by Ms. Hanly a drive through Flu Clinic will take place here in the Stony Brook back parking lot next Wednesday please access this link for more information- WPS Student/Staff Flu Clinic.  Progress Reports will be released in iParent next Friday afternoon.  The Sign-Up Genius for our November Teacher Conferences will be sent to all families on Tuesday, November 10 and remain open for one week.  The conferences are scheduled to take place in the afternoon and evening of Monday, November 23 and the afternoon of Tuesday, November 24. All conferences will be conducted remotely this year using Google Meet.

Don't forget that next Tuesday is election day and there will be no school for students.

(Costumes) + (anticipation of Halloween) x (increasing effects of approaching the blue moon) + (first snow fall) = Just another Friday @ Stony Brook


Here we weekend of the year...enjoy that extra hour of sleep ;-)


[Instant sound of snoring]




Dr. Christopher Chew


Stony Brook School    


BC Splash

BC Splash is a 1-day event held at Boston College each semester where students in grades 7-12 can take fun, interesting, and engaging classes that are taught and designed by our undergraduates! 

In response to COVID-19 our event will be virtual this semester, but we have put together a great day and fantastic lineup of classes over zoom for the students. They can take classes such as The Economics of Friendship, The Physics of Airplanes, The Power of Positive Affirmations, and many others! 


BC Splash will be held virtually on Sunday, November 8th from 10am - 3:15pm. 

Students can register at our website,

Registration closes on Friday, November 6th at 11:59pm.


BC Splash 2020 Flier