Rewind & Re-Welcome...update!SB 2-5-21

Small Tours of 6th grade advisories floated by my office this morning as the B Pod students were participating in what I affectionately called our “Rewind & Re-Welcome” tours.  With the very limited ability to move throughout the building so far this year, there were still many places and traffic patterns with which they are not quite familiar.  The other day one bus was much later than the others and when we let the few Gr6 students on the bus come in through the front doors they were confused as to how to get to their classrooms...I thought watching students try to use a landline telephone in the main office was entertaining...not knowing whether to turn left or right in the main lobby genuinely surprised me in February.


Translations via Google Translate

Chinese (Simplified)





When we come back from February vacation, students working in person during the morning sessions will begin to transition between classrooms allowing them to work in different rooms for each class.  They will continue to stay together as an Advisory Cohort, but rather than staying in one space all morning we are going to layer in more movement opportunities for them as we progress into the spring.  They have been following all of our safety protocols very well and we remind them of the traffic protocols to keep the transitions from creating any spacing concerns.  Some students have needed to move locations for various reasons already but the large majority of students stayed in one room all morning long which can certainly be draining in itself.  Now, they will be able to move to the different classrooms for each content area as they would in a more typical year...which the poor Gr6 students have not yet experienced at all :-( Teachers will no longer be traveling and will be able to stay in their rooms and ensure that there will be clean desks/working spaces for each group of students that rotate to them :-) Happier faces all around indeed.


Next week and the week following vacation, Pods A and B will have the opportunity to buy raffle tickets for hats, headbands, and masks to support Ali P, our Grade 8 student who was diagnosed with leukemia in November. The hats and headbands are made by the company "Love Your Melon," who donates 50% of their proceeds to cancer research. These hats were donated by Chris Roberge, who is the administrative assistant at Abbot and Nab. Raffle tickets are $2 each or 3 for $5. The drawing will be on February 26! All proceeds will go to the Go Fund Me account set up to help with costs related to Ali's treatment.


We wanted to include a reminder that Stony Brook Theater Arts (SBTA) is producing High School Musical this spring.  Auditions and crew forms are due by next Wednesday. More information can be found in the SBTA Google Classroom which can be accessed using code: klmnri


Also, Gr8 student Sam H. put together a promo video that explains a little bit about the process/expectations of being in the shows as well as past and present SBTA students talking about the positive experiences they have had in SBTA. Students interested in learning more can access the video using their school account: SBTA Promo Video 2021


Westford Academy National Honor Society Students would like to extend their Homework Help Tutoring options to all WPS students in grades 6-8.  They asked that we share this information with all of our families:


Homework Help is available to any WPS Student grades 6-8 on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 2-3PM. Students can sign up for thirty-minute slots in advance, and join a Google Meet. There, they will be assigned to breakout rooms with NHS tutors, all of whom are more than qualified to help.


We understand that internet safety is paramount, so the Google Meets are only accessible via westfordk12 emails. The NHS advisor, a teacher at WA, will also be online. 


Signups, FAQs, and more information can be found here:


This week we have two separate PTO updates we want to share with you:




Stony Brook PTO wishes you a Fabulous February! 


The PTO is continuing with teacher appreciation into 2021.  In January we gifted the teachers a hot drink gift bag that included items such as tea bags, coffee packets and cookies. The PTO has traditionally sponsored a Sweets for Teachers for Valentine’s Day event.  Instead, this year for February appreciation we will have a lunch from Paul’s Diner along with a small bag of chocolates.


If you would like to find out more about these events and other PTO plans, please join us at our next PTO Meeting on Tuesday, February 9th at 2:15. Please email for the meeting link or with any questions. You can also find the agenda for the meeting on our new website .

In addition to discussing staff appreciation, we will be reviewing our budget, discussing if a student event is possible and developing a fundraising plan. Everyone is welcome! 




You are invited to attend the next Westford PTO meeting, scheduled for February 10 at 7:00pm.  Here is a link to the agenda: WEPTO Agenda 2/10


If you would like to register to attend email: 


Please include your first and last name, as well at the schools your child(ren) attend.  A link will be emailed to you the day of the meeting. 


Finally, here is this week’s installment of Notes from the Clinic...brought to you by Ali’s Army and  the Rolling Raffle:


Today the sixth grade students were given tours of Stony Brook in anticipation of beginning to move around the building instead of staying in one classroom all day. I loved seeing all of the smiling faces-several of whom voiced they did not realize how big Stony Brook is! In the past, I have had the opportunity to get to know a lot of six graders as they transitioned to middle school. I have missed that connection I was able to make with so many children. Please remind your child that they have permission to come to the clinic if they need a break or are having a tough morning. I met more 6th graders today than I have met all year!


With vacation approaching-be mindful of our travel restrictions and make sure that testing is done prior to returning to school if you leave the state. Even if you are fully vaccinated, you still need to follow our travel guidelines.

At this time, vaccinated individuals must continue to comply with the Governor’s Travel Order and related testing and quarantine requirements. While experts learn more about the protection that COVID-19 vaccines provide under real-life conditions, it will be important for everyone to continue using all the tools available to us to help stop this pandemic, including quarantining after a possible exposure, covering your mouth and nose with a mask, washing hands often, and staying at least 6 feet away from others.


If you or your children need testing for COVID, the stop the spread sites seem to be the best for reporting results within 24 hours. Go to the following link for more information: Methuen, Marlborough and Lawrence are the closest to this area. Methuen is a walk up, Marlborough and Lawrence are drive up sites. I have been told that if you do need to get tested, do not arrive when it first opens because the wait will be long.  The best time to go for testing is late morning. 


Have a safe weekend. 


Sue Hanly, MSN, RN



Have a wonderful weekend!




Dr. Christopher Chew

Stony Brook School

Westford, MA


The Westford Education Foundation is excited to announce their Ties and Tiaras To-Go Fundraising event this year! While they can't do their annual dance this year they have made an event like no other.  Event is NEXT Wednesday February 10th.  To get more information and buy tickets check out

WEF Thanks you for all your support!


Westford Parks & Recreation 


New Coding/3D printing/Math Program with BlocksCAD being offered for students in grades 3-6 from February 16 to March 23 (6 classes)


Access more information here: Blocks CAD Program


WESTFORD YOUTH LACROSSE (WYL) - WYL is accepting registrations for the Spring 2021 season for the boys and girls programs (Grades 1 - 8) as well as the mixed FiddleStix Program for Kindergarten age. Westford Youth Lacrosse play starts in mid-March with indoor practices.  Games start in early April and run through mid-June.  

FiddleStix is a great entry program for Kindergarten age children looking to try something new. No equipment needed. One day per week commitment.  No weekends. 

Go to to learn more and to register for any of the WYL programs.  Registration ends February 14, 2021.  Uncertain about committing to spring registration now?  Don't worry, no payment is required until the registration deadline. Don't miss out on registering now to guarantee your spot for the spring lacrosse season.

Lacrosse is the fastest sport on two feet and one of the fastest growing youth sports in the country.  Help spread the word to your friends who may be interested in playing Lacrosse that registration is HAPPENING now!


The Westford Youth Lacrosse Board