RKWP...update! SB 10-23-2020

Not to be confused with WKRP... that update is in November ;-)

A little cool jazz for the students at dismissal today.  Henry Mancini capped off our Real Kids Wear Pink morning session.  It was great to see the flood of pink enter the building today and fill some of the screens during remote sessions, as well.  Next Wednesday night, Stony Brook is participating in the Pink Panther Trivia Night (which is not actually trivia all about the Pink Panther) to continue raising money for the American Cancer Society as part of the RKWP campaign.  Students can access information about how they can participate in their Advisory Google Classrooms.


Translations via Google Translate

Chinese (Simplified)




Our themed Fridays will continue next week, students and faculty are encouraged to wear school appropriate costumes while they engage in classes either here in the building or remotely.  This will be the first year that I can’t say masks aren’t appropriate...however, please remember that for both in-person and remote learning it is important that we can clearly identify each other. Costume masks do not replace the need for us to wear appropriate masks already identified as necessary during the pandemic.  The masks being worn need to still follow our safety guidelines: WPS Wearing a Mask.  I would like to think that this is common sense and not necessary to say, but we also know well that middle school brains are not finished developing and the impulse control is not always activated if it in fact exists at all :-) The added feature this year of accessing classes remotely might provide additional resources for some extraordinary costumes...make sure they remain school appropriate and do not prohibit students’ ability to safely access their classes. 


This past Wednesday, the SBPTO sponsored a wonderful lunch for our entire staff. It was incredibly thoughtful and it also helped to support a local restaurant as they purchased the boxed lunches from Il Forno. Two acts of generosity wrapped up in one.  By honoring and appreciating our staff they also supported a local restaurant who in the past would have been quick to help support the schools in their own way. Moving forward, the SBPTO would like to do some more things like this and will be reaching out in the future with opportunities for more families to get involved in helping others.


Earlier today, we sent out a message to all of our Gr8 families about the Nashoba Valley Technical High School upcoming Open House event on Sunday Nov 1. In addition to the opportunity for families to access their event over the weekend, the Gr8 students have been invited to participate in a Google Meet hosted by NVTHS next Wednesday at noon.  That information is being provided to the students via their Advisory Google Classroom. The Google Meet is taking place outside of the regular Wednesday school hours and while highly recommended is not mandatory. It is a good idea to encourage your Gr8 student to participate even if they are not specifically interested in attending NVTHS as it will provide an additional perspective about high school in general. It is still very early in the year and students will be getting plenty of information from WA in the spring about transitioning to 9th grade so by no means should this early discussion of next year encourage them to rush through enjoying their current Gr8 experience.  It is always a delicate balance of remaining mindful of the moment and experiencing the present while also considering and planning for the future without increasing unproductive stress or anxiety.


This week’s notes from the clinic are brought to you by some old fashioned fiberglass pink home insulation...remember to wash your hands before touching your face...even if you have broken yourself of the habit of touching your face...remember to still wash your hands:


Notes from the Clinic Oct 23rd


I am still missing many 7th grade physicals and immunization records. Please send them into me as soon as possible. I do have to complete a state report showing that SB Middle School is in compliance with the state immunization requirements. Several emergency cards are also missing. Whether your child is remote or in person, I do need an emergency card. At the end of every school year, school nurses are asked for numbers of health issues in each school: This includes asthma, ADD, LTA’s, depression, anxiety, etc. We do not give names but are asked for numbers. Please fill out this card completely and know that the only one who has access to them is me-the nurse. Anything you write is confidential unless you request that it is shared with staff. If you do not remember receiving a card, please let me know. 


Last week, we shared the Beacon Santa application. Several have been turned in and sent in to the organization. The deadline is next Friday, Oct 31st. A flier for St. Vincent DePaul was also shared and we do have a food pantry in Westford if your family is struggling. A collection drive is underway for the Food pantry. Until the end of October, I am collecting food items in my garage. If you are interested in more information, please email me at the address below.


On Oct 19th, the CDC made a change in defining close contacts. On October 21st, the updates were posted-please see the following link for more information: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/php/contact-tracing/contact-tracing-plan/appendix.html In particular the following language: Someone who was within 6 feet of an infected person for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period* starting from 2 days before illness onset (or, for asymptomatic patients, 2 days prior to test specimen collection) until the time the patient is isolated. (The change was in the word cumulative instead of continuous.) 


Good practice remains the same in being diligent about face mask wearing, hand washing and maintaining the 6 foot distance.  


If you are in need of testing for yourself or a family member, please be sure to get a PCR test, not a rapid antigen test. And as always, call with questions or concerns. Thank you for your help in keeping our students and staff safe. 


Sue Hanly, MSN, RN, NCSN


978-392-6974 (direct line)

WPS Nurses blog: https://westfordpshealthservices.weebly.com/

This past Tuesday, we held our first School Advisory Council (SAC) meeting of the year.  I would like to once again thank all of this year’s volunteers for helping us craft our annual School Improvement Plan (SIP): Kristi Bates, Michele Dulczewski, Annie Juris, Prajakta Kale, Pooja Krishnamurthy, Mary Larkin, Arty Mourtzinos, Rachael O’Toole, Seema Pusalkar, Lynne Stader and Meredith Sweet.  We had a wonderful discussion about potential goals for this year and the overall responsibility of the SAC.  We also elected Kristi Bates to serve as co-chair of the council.  Our November meeting will be focused on solidifying our goals and action items in preparation for presenting the annual SIP to the School Committee in late November.

Have a wonderful weekend!




Dr. Christopher Chew


Stony Brook School




Is there room in your home and heart for a foster child? The Department of Children and Families is actively recruiting foster parents in Westford.  We are searching for individuals or families with the love and patience to help foster children. You can be single, married, partnered, divorced, or widowed. You can own your home or rent. We need homes for children aged 0 to 22 which include sibling groups, teens, children with special needs, medically involved children, and infants born exposed to drugs. We are looking for long-term foster homes but also have a need for emergency and respite homes which involve a shorter time commitment on the part of a foster family. Our goal is to provide our foster children with a supportive and healing environment in a home in their own community until they can be reunited with their families or another plan can be made on their behalf. The rewards of providing daily care, guidance, and acceptance are immeasurable.


If you are thinking about becoming a foster parent, you can learn more about the application process and the supports provided by DCF by contacting Brenda Fitzgerald, Family Resource Recruiter at brenda.fitzgerald@state.ma.us or visiting https://www.mass.gov/foster-care.