SB Families Invite to BTSN Live! via Zoom


Chinese (Simplified)




Zoom, zoom, zoom-a-zoom!


You are invited to a Zoom webinar. 

When: Sep 24, 2020 05:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) 

Topic: Stony Brook BTSN Live!


Back to School Night at Stony Brook for the 2020-2021 school year is a virtual event utilizing a Zoom Webinar. Parents and guardians will be able to hear from all of the teachers at Stony Brook throughout the 2-hour event as Dr. Chew introduces them all as "special guests". Each special teacher guest will have a few minutes to introduce themselves and give a high level overview of what families can expect students will be doing in their classes. The schedule of "guests" will be posted on our Stony Brook website and emailed to families before Thursday so that they can decide if they want to tune in for a specific segment or watch the entire show!


Register in advance for this webinar:


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.


The current line-up is as follows but it could certainly change prior to air time...the schedule listed in the principal’s communication tab on our website will be updated if changes are made:


5:30-5:35 Intro with Dr. Chew & Mr. McElhinney

5:35-5:45 Gr6 Team Discovery (Twitchell, Murphy, Pentedemos, Rotundi, Rich)

5:45-5:50 Gr6 Team Imagination (Femino, Masterson)

5:50-6:00 Gr6 Team Curiosity (Schnare, Rowe, Andjus, Murphy, Roux)

6:00-6:10 Gr6-8 World Language Teachers (Ashby, Latham, Orvoen, Zambrano, Devlin)

6:10-6:30 Gr6-8 Integrated Arts (Craig, Downey, Morris, Buxton, Watson, Ryle, St. Peter, Smith, Bailey, Ottesen, Garino)

6:30-6:40 Gr7 Team Plato (Boucher, Sullivan, Holden, Maly, Barsel)

6:40-6:45 Gr7 Team Socrates (Baldwin, Barnas)

6:45-6:55 Gr7 Team Aristotle (Dikeman, Nelson, DeLuca, Curran, Pitts)

6:55-7:05 Gr 8 Team Valor (Severo, Craig, Dulczewski, Larkin, Goucher)

7:05-7:20 Gr8 Team Victory (Giannasca, Peternell, Mills, Leone, Woodbury, Sczylvian, Sweet)

7:20-7:30 Guidance & Clinic (Oehley, LeBlanc, Lipschutz, O’Connell, Hanly)


*Translation provided by Google Translate