Spring Forward...update! SB 3-7-2020

So, while the benefit of an extra hour of sleep back in the fall is my favorite weekend of the year, this weekend, conversely, is my least favorite. The anticipation of losing an hour already has me concerned about how quickly Monday morning will arrive.  My mantra is focusing on the later sunsets that we will be able to enjoy!


On Friday of this past week, 12 Gr7 students were invited to visit Collins Aerospace in Westford for an Introduction to Engineering event. Liz Asai, a young biomedical engineer, gave an inspirational keynote address detailing how she got to where she was in her career. She is now the CEO of her own company that she started as an undergraduate student after winning a grant contest.  The students rotated through five stations learning more about different types of engineering including mechanical, electrical, systems and software. Additionally, they participated in a panel discussion on the importance of women in the stem field and heard from female engineers at Collins how they got where they are, who inspired them and challenges and rewards of being in the STEM field. 


Next Thursday, March 12, we will be holding a restaurant fundraiser over at Bamboo to help support our Washington DC Scholarship Fund.  Lunch, dinner, dine-in or take-out from 11:45 am to 9:45 pm will help benefit our students. Just mention Stony Brook School and 20% of the check will be donated to the fund. You can access the flyer here: DC Scholarship Fundraiser-Bamboo 


In the event that you have not had the chance to read Superintendent Olsen’s latest update regarding WPS response to COVID-19, you can access it here: WPS COVID-19 Notification 3-6-2020


I’ll keep this update short so as not to monopolize too much of your already truncated weekend.






Dr. Christopher Chew


Stony Brook School


On Tuesday, March 10th, the Parent Support Group will be meeting from 7-8:30 at the Millennium Building. The topic this month is depression. All are welcome. The groups facilitators are Sue Hanly, Stony Brook Nurse and Dianne Walsh, LICSW, Perkins Behavioral Health. Please email Sue if you would like your name added to their distribution list (smhanly1@gmail.com)

Westford Parks and Recreation Dept are sponsoring Field Hockey, Archery and Flag Football opportunities this Spring and Summer.  Access this link for more information: WPRC Spring and Summer

Westford Summer Music Program -  The Westford Summer Music program is now accepting registrations for band and orchestra students entering grades 5 through 9 in September 2020. Come join the fun for a week long program where band and orchestra ensembles will rehearse daily from 8:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. at the Stony Brook School on July 13th through July 17th .  During the week, the students will prepare new music and give a free performance on Friday, July 17th at 11 a.m.

·      Summer Band directed by Ms. Trish Gately

·      Summer Orchestra directed by Mr. Todd Hamelin


For more information and registration please visit:  www.westfordk12.us/summermusic

For questions, please contact:

Julie Ottesen - jottesen@westfordk12.us