Friday, September 22, 2023

Fantasy Game Club will meet in room A220 on Tuesday, September 26th. We meet every other Tuesday when we venture into magical worlds with Dungeons and Dragons, settle in Catan or explore the Seven Wonders. Join us!

ADL Leaders will meet Friday morning in LGI 8 (the room next to the common room on the 8th grade floor. Drop your things at your locker and come right to the meeting. We will take attendance for you in the meeting.

Attention all 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Join the Stony Brook School Google Classroom page to get information about spirit days, school dances, and other fun events at Stony Brook. The google classroom code is GRSFWTY. There are flyers around the school with the code as well.

This year will be the second year of the SB rocketry club! We will be meeting at 2 o’clock every Tuesday in the STEAM room, with our first meeting NEXT TUESDAY, September 26th. We will learn, design, build, and launch our rockets. Sign up with this google classroom code: tazra4z

The IMLEM Math team will begin practices next week, Thursday, September 28th. Practices will be held in room A221, Mrs. Rowe's room. If you can't attend this first session or even the first round, join us later!  Schedules are posted in green around the school.  See Mrs. Severo (A122), Mrs. Rowe (A221)  or Mrs. Murphy (A321) with any questions. 

The girls’ soccer team won their game vs Weston 5-2 yesterday. Goals scored by Katelyn, Addie, Chiara, and Ellie. Way to go girls!

The boys’ soccer team won their game against Weston 5-1 yesterday, led by Aabir, Luke and Gavin. Great job boys!