Monday, April 22, 2024

Any Track member who would like to help set up the high jump mats this morning, meet the coaches outside the gym after announcements. Also, track practice on Tuesday will be extended to 4:00 on Tuesday so we can prepare for the meet on Wednesday. Please stay until 4 if you are able. 

Spring Roller Hockey will begin this Wednesday from 2-3:30 in the basketball court. Bring all of your equipment and leave it near the boys’ and girls’ locker room on Wednesday morning. Any questions, you can reach out to Mr. O’Connell or Mr. Curran.

The 8th Grade Panoramic Group Photo is coming on Thursday, April 25th during advisory. Visit the SB Google Classroom for more information.

The Trash to Trophy deadline has been extended until Friday, May 3, 2024.

You can donate new notebooks, pencils, pens, markers, folders, erasers, calculators, sharpies, highlighters, and colored pencils to support STEM4Youth. There will be a collection bin in the main lobby through May 3.

Passover is one of the Jewish religion’s most sacred and widely observed holidays. In Judaism, Passover commemorates the story of the Israelites’ departure from ancient Egypt, which appears in the Hebrew Bible’s books of Exodus, Numbers and Deuteronomy, among other texts. Jews observe the weeklong festival with a number of important rituals, including a traditional Passover meal known as a seder, the removal of leavened products from their home, the substitution of matzo for bread and the retelling of the exodus tale.