Monday, March 20, 2023

The library is hosting March Graphic Novel BOOK Madness. All are welcome to vote. Please reach out to Mrs. Smith with any questions! 

Announcing the winners of the St. Patrick's Day spirit! First, a shout out to all the 6th graders for their incredible spirit! They have hit it out of the park for the last two spirit days. The 6th grade once again landed in a tie and it was a very tough one to judge! Teagan P and Vivienne T were both 6th grade winners! The 7th grade winner was Mikey B, and the 8th grade winner was Alivea P. Congratulations! Come on down to the office to get your prize. It was amazing to see how many people participated. Awesome job everyone!

The Anti-Racism and Social Justice Book Club will meet Wednesday in Ms. Larkin's Room, Rm 119 after school.

Attention Field Hockey Players: We will be taking a field hockey team photo during long advisory on Tuesday, March 21st. Please wear your field hockey sweatshirt! We will be meeting in the lobby for the photo.

Save the Date for the Spring Fling School Dance on March 31st from 7:00-9:00. Tickets will be sold for $10 next week during lunches.

Please join us this week on Wednesday after school for Stony Brook’s first ever Stony Brook Pride Club meeting! We will be discussing LGBTQ+ topics and how to support these individuals and their allies within our school community. ALL are welcome to join the club! We will be meeting in room B105, across from the main office. Please see Mrs. LeBlanc with any questions.

If you did not sign up for a sport this morning and would like to, please see Ms. Oehley in the main office.