Monday, November 27, 2023

Tryouts for the girls’ basketball team will take place on Monday and Tuesday of this week from 4:00-5:30. Please bring your own basketball.

Tickets are on sale for $10 during both advisories today in the lobby for the Fire and Ice Stony Brook dance. Dance will take place on Friday, December 1st from 7:00-9:00 pm. Get your tickets early before it gets sold out!

There are lots of fun options at Computer Club on Tuesdays, such as controlling robots, playing online games, making connections with snap circuits, playing Heads Up, programming with Scratch, creating projects using graphic editors, Shape Collage, and more.  This club meets most Tuesdays until April vacation (see the calendars around school), but you do not have to go to every session, so go to A221, Mrs. Rowe’s room, after school tomorrow if you want to try Computer Club.

Attention all 8th graders!  It is time to order your Class Tee-Shirt!  Your Advisory teacher will post an Order Form link in your Advisory Google Classroom.  If you want to purchase a shirt, please complete the order form and submit a payment of $15 to your Advisory teacher by Wednesday, December 6th.  Payments can be made in the form of cash or a check made out to Stony Brook School.  Please see Mrs. Sweet in rm. 125 with any questions.

Reminder: Ski Club permission slips, payment and Google Form are due by November 29.  Make sure to get ALL THREE in by this date.