Thursday, May 4, 2023

ADL Leaders will meet tomorrow morning during advisory in the cafeteria. Drop your things at your locker and come right to the meeting. We will take attendance for you in the meeting. 

Please listen to this Important Message from the Stony Brook Environmental Club:  This week we began the new trash and recycling rules in the cafeteria. Monitors will help you to properly dispose of lunch materials. Please pay close attention and be patient while we implement this new process. Rewards will be coming for those who can follow directions!

Attention Book Club, Craft Club and Anti-Racist Social Justice Book Club members!! Please report outside of the LIBRARY at 7:40am during advisory Friday morning for a yearbook club photo. See you there.

The volleyball team played an incredibly intense game against Acton-Boxboro at home yesterday. The match was neck and neck most of the way through all three sets. Jenny P.'s aggressive digging as libero, Nishka P.'s consistent setting and Leilani N.'s great passing, helped the team to keep up with AB's strong serving. In the end, Stony was defeated by 5 points. We are hoping for the win as we head to Blanchard for our 3:00 game today. Come cheer us on! Good luck Stony!