Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Art Club will meet today after school in the art room. 

Math Team - REMEMBER we have a qualifying meet this Thursday in Room 221.  Don't forget your calculators!  If you can't make it, but do want to come to the final meet Thursday, April 13th, please email or see Mrs. Rowe as soon as possible. 

The Stony Brook Pride club will be meeting after school today in B105. All students are welcome to join! Please see Mrs. LeBlanc with any questions

Passover begins today at sundown. Passover is one of the Jewish religion’s most sacred and widely observed holidays. Jews observe the weeklong festival with a number of important rituals, including a traditional Passover meal known as a seder, the removal of bread and pasta products from their home, and the retelling of the exodus tale. We wish all of the Stony Brook students celebrating Passover a happy and healthy holiday!