Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Tomorrow is the first Chess Club meeting in the Library after school. All are welcome! GOOGLE CODE TO JOIN and SIGN UP is yfef3gu.

The first Latin Club meeting will be held today after school in room B210 at 2:00 PM.

Ever wanted to improve your speaking skills? Do you love arguing? Then join the Speech and Debate Club!  We will be meeting in Mrs. Dulczewski's room every other Thursday, starting this Thursday, September 21st.   Improve your confidence, boost your critical thinking, and hone in on your teamwork skills! Whether you want to create meaningful conversation or just want to learn how to win an argument, this is the club for you. Don't miss out on the opportunity to make friends, challenge your mind, and become a stellar communicator! Join us for the Speech and Debate club on Thursday in Room A120 right after school.

ADL Leaders will meet Friday morning in LGI 8 (the room next to the common room on the 8th grade floor. Drop your things at your locker and come right to the meeting. We will take attendance for you in the meeting.

Did you know that Westford's 1-time-use plastic can pollute our ocean and hurt wildlife even though we try to recycle it all? Did you feel extremely hot in school a couple of weeks ago? Did the recent heavy rain result in a wet basement or canceled plans? Stony Brook has the power to make changes in Climate Change and plastic pollution. Come find out on Wednesdays after school in Mrs. G's room. The meetings will alternate with the Student Leadership Council in case you want to do both! Join the force at Stony for real and innovative change TODAY at 2:00!

Attention all 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Join the Stony Brook School Google Classroom page to get information about spirit days, school dances, and other fun events at Stony Brook. The google classroom code is GRSFWTY. There are flyers around the school with the code as well.

Yesterday we had our first cross country meet against Concord.  In first place, 7th grader Michael finished with a time of just under 10 minutes. He had a huge lead from the beginning, leaving the track barren for several minutes after he crossed the finish line. Sixth grader, Roy, pulled ahead and stole his place from his Concord opponent. For the girls, 8th grader Phoenix increased her lead and sped up once she hit the track. 200 meters in front of the rest, she stole second place for Stony Brook. A special thank you goes out to captains Nathaniel and Abhi for helping one of our Concord runners find her way back to the track when she got lost. Everyone that competed did an amazing job for the first meet and should be proud of their performance. 

The girls soccer team won their game 4-1 against Bedford yesterday. Goals were scored by Brynn, Chiara, and Reese. Excellent goalkeeping by Hailey. Way to go girls!