FAQ Sheet- RE: School Year 2020-2021

Answers to some of your questions!

Westford Academy

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ sheet) 

Below is a link to the Hybrid Schedule.  The breakdown of Pod A and Pod B has yet to be determined and will be based on the survey results.  Westford Public Schools will divide Pod A and Pod B geographically and not alphabetically.


Important Note: We are asking families to commit to the Hybrid Model or the Remote Learning Academy (RLA) for the semester.  The semester ends in January, 2021.

Daily Schedule

Hybrid Model:

What would a typical day look like for a student in the hybrid model during a week when attending school for the first part of the day?

Answer:  Students will arrive at school and report directly to their first block class. No congregating in the hallways, café, library or other locations. After the early release, students will continue to learn asynchronously in the afternoon. 

What would a typical day look like for that same student during the remote week?

Answer: Review the Hybrid Schedule “off week” and it should provide you with a solid look at what students can expect during the week that they are fully remote. In general, students will have asynchronous learning in the morning and then have three live synchronous classes in the afternoon. 

How will the fall ’20 schedule look in comparison to the typical schedule?

Answer:  We will attempt to offer all classes at W.A. that they signed up for at the end of the school year 2019-2020 and a very high percentage of students' schedules will remain unchanged. There may be some exceptions, and that will be communicated to each individual family. 

How many teachers will a student make contact with in a given day?

Answer: Students will be expected to interact with three teachers per day in an in-person week or in a remote week.  See Hybrid Schedule Pod A and Pod B. Students in the RLA will reflect the pods they are designated to. 

Would students receive work in classes in which they are not meeting with on a given day?

Answer: Our goal is for students to have asynchronous learning to be completed from a previous lesson or for preparation for a future class for the classes that meet that day.  It will not be recommended that teachers reach out to students with new material on a day when the class does not meet.  During a live in-person lesson or in a remote lesson students will receive assignments and assessments.

When in person, will students be “switching” classes or will they mostly remain in one class for the entire day by grouping students with similar schedules together?

Answer:  Students will change classes three times and use the hallways to transition from one class to the next.  Desks will be disinfected between classes. PPE will be made available. Hallway traffic patterns(ex. one ways) and staircases(Up only) will be changed as needed to create even and safe transition periods. 

Will there be opportunities for group work or collaboration?

Answer: Yes, with appropriate social distancing for in person and through the use of Google Meet/Zoom for remote or RLA students.   Teachers will be allowed to use different areas of the building or take their students outside for various lessons (when applicable).

Remote Learning Academy:

What would a typical day look like for a student in the fully remote model?

Answer: For a RLA student, the experience will mirror that of their assigned POD. For example, a student in POD A Remote Learning Academy will have live synchronous instruction or “live streamed” when POD A is “in school.” See Quick Reference Guide for more information. 

Will students be watching the classes over video with students who have opted to enroll in the hybrid model? If so, will students at home be able to participate in any discussions or ask questions?

Answer: Yes, students at home will be able to see the lesson and interact with the teacher and their peers.  WPSS will be providing training and the appropriate technology for teachers for this prior to the beginning of school.

Will the schedule have a typical 7-course rotation? If so, how will that look?

Answer: See Hybrid Model.  RLA students will follow the same schedule as the students who have chosen the Hybrid Model.

Will there be opportunities for group work or collaboration?

Answer: Yes. WPSS has purchased Zoom, which allows teachers to create classrooms and “breakout rooms” for collaboration.

Course Selection:

Will students still be allowed to take 7 courses?

Answer: Yes, however, there may be some exceptions due to staffing.  W.A. staff will reach out to any family impacted by a personnel matter, which impacts a student’s schedule.

How many courses will students be required to take?

Answer:  Same as in the past.  Students need to carry 32.5 credits.

How will certain electives work, particularly ones like physical education, chorus, band/orchestra, or anything that involves a lab or hands-on experience?

Answer: P.E. will use the outside track and field space for activities (weather permitting) and also the two gymnasiums.   We are renting a tent to assist with chorus and wind instruments.  Chorus could also use the performing arts center because of the size and ability to socially distance.  We are creating a lab space in the upper café for science labs.  It will be a shared space.  Teachers will need to think differently and be creative with hands- on labs. 

What happens when there is only 1 teacher who teaches a particular class and there are too many students enrolled in the hybrid program from a given geographical location?

Answer:  We will ask students to shift to the other Pod.  A personal call will be made to a family. 

Could students get “bumped” from their current course selections?

Answer:  Yes,  a student could get bumped from a current course if there is a staffing issue at W.A.  The W.A. staff will work with each family to investigate other online programs which may provide a similar course and/or any possible schedule changes within WA.


How will teacher absenteeism be handled in either model, particularly if the leave is extended and there is only 1 teacher for that given class?

Answer: To be determined.  Note: WEA and WPS’s negotiations are underway.

If a student is initially enrolled in one of the models, is it possible to switch to the other model if it is not a good fit or the student does not feel comfortable?

Answer: No, WPS is asking for families to commit to the Hybrid Model or the Remote Learning Academy. 

If a transition to a whole school or district-wide fully remote model needs to be made, how will the students in the hybrid model make the switch? In other words, will you follow the same schedule or will it change?

Answer:  A transition from the hybrid model to the remote model should be an easy transition.  Students would follow their same schedule but  they would be fully remote if the current situation changes in Massachusetts or the Town of Westford.  See Remote Learning Model in WPS Plan. 

When the district is allowed to return fully in-person, will students’ schedules stay the same? How will that transition happen?

Answer:  Yes, schedules would stay the same and students would return to the regular school day using our standard operating procedures.


How will students in either model be assessed?

Answer: There will be a variety of assessments this school year.  Students will receive grades for the effort and work.  WPPSS is providing Professional Development for teachers to further develop alternative assessments.

How often and in what format can students expect feedback from teachers in either model?

Answer: Feedback will vary based on the assignments and the assessments.  For instance, a research paper will have a longer turnaround time then perhaps a math quiz, vocabulary test, or short term assignment.


Will the start time be staggered or simultaneous?

Answer: Currently there is no plan at W.A. to stagger start times.  Students using Dee Bus will arrive at school, enter through the front of the building and head to their first class.  Juniors and Seniors will be allowed to drive to school and can enter through the senior parking lot entrance.  Drop off students will follow the same procedures as years past. Masks will be required to enter the building.

How will students be expected to enter and exit the building if they are a bus rider, a car rider, a walker, or drive themselves?

Answer: Bus riders enter the front of the school.  A car rider will be dropped off in one of the three “drop off zones” in the back of the school and drivers will use the entrance by the senior parking lot.

Since there will be fewer students on campus, at least for the fall, has there been any consideration to allowing juniors to obtain a parking sticker?

Answer: Yes.  The Westford School Committee is reviewing the fee structure on Monday, August 17, 2020.  Both juniors and seniors will be allowed to purchase a parking pass this school year.


Will students have lockers?

Answer:  No lockers.

Will students be allowed to bring a backpack?

Answer: Yes, backpacks will be allowed.

Will students be allowed to bring a water bottle?

Answer: Bottled water is fine. Our water filling stations will not be accessible to students.

If students are sitting more than 6 feet away from other students, will they still have to wear a mask?

Answer: Masks at all times. Exception: “Mask breaks”.

How will mask breaks take place, if at all?

Answer: TBD- working on a plan. There will be mask breaks.

How will the administration handle students who repeatedly disobey the mask requirement?

Answer: The administration will reach out to the parent(s)/guardian(s). 

Is there any consideration being given to conducting classes outdoors?

Answer: Yes, we have contracted with Christian Party Rental for a 20x40 tent.  In addition, faculty may take students outside to conduct a lesson (weather permitting).

Will freshmen have their own “first day of school” as in previous years? If not, will there be an opportunity for freshmen to have some type of orientation before school starts?

Answer: Yes, the incoming freshman will have an orientation to W.A.  It may be remote.  We are in the process of creating a plan for this group of new students.

Will teachers have office hours for students in either model or will students be expected to email questions to their teacher instead?

Answer: Yes, teachers will have office hours and teachers will be expected to check email regularly.

Will there be any after school clubs or activities? If so, will all students (remote and hybrid) be allowed to participate?

Answer: TBD- the administration is dedicated to making school as “normal” as possible and co-curricular activities are a huge part of the school.  We will attempt to host activities, but no guarantee at this time.


Will there be High School Interscholastic Athletics for the Fall 2020 season?

Answer: At this time, the MIAA Board of Directors is awaiting further guidance from the DESE. The MIAA Board of Directors will be making a recommendation 3 days after the DESE guidance announcement. (Anticipated DESE announcement may made the week of 8/17)

Student-Athlete social emotional & physical health is paramount and is a key ingredient in the high school experience. An Intramural Athletic program at WA is being considered in lieu of the “traditional” Interscholastic athletic program.  This exciting Intramural program would give all students an opportunity to participate in after school athletics with their teammates & coaches.

Food Service:

How will students who opt to receive a bagged lunch to take home receive it prior to being dismissed for the day? Will students in the remote model also be allowed to receive a bagged lunch? If so, how will they pick it up?

Answer: Lunch is available to everyone. The WPS Food Service Program is working on a plan.  Students who want a bagged lunch before leaving school will be able to grab this lunch in the front (Bell Lobby) prior to taking the bus or being picked up by a parent/guardian.

Hope this provides some clarity.

Have a nice weekend!

Respectfully, Jim Antonelli