Friday, August 7, 2020- 10:00AM

Good afternoon,

We are finally here!  Graduation 2020! 

Seniors need to arrive by 8:30 tomorrow morning.  With 6 feet of social distancing, the line of graduates goes around the building.  We will make every effort to begin the ceremony at 10:00 AM sharp.  The weather looks good (could be a passing shower so please prepare accordingly).  You are welcome to bring an umbrella to protect from the sun and cold water.  The stadium looks amazing and our Class Officers, Class Advisors and the Administration are all very excited for the CLASS of 2020!

See some general guidelines and procedures below:  I will be reviewing this with the entire audience before the commencement begins.

Guidelines and Procedures:

•Please follow these guidelines and procedures… it is the best way to keep everyone safe and healthy.

•First and foremost, MASKS should be worn throughout the entire ceremony.

•Parents/Guardians and Immediate Family Members, please socially distance.

•Hand sanitizer is available throughout the stadium.

• Parents/Guardians and Immediate Family Members please remain behind the ropes in the designated seating areas.

•At the close of today’s ceremony I am asking that all Parents/Guardians and Immediate Family Members exit through the entrance that you came into earlier.

•Parents/Guardians and Immediate Family Members-please DO NOT enter the field where the graduates are seated following the ceremony.

•Graduates, once your president makes his remarks and your turn your tassel, we are going to ask you to process row by row back through the Coughlin Building and find your Parents/Guardians and Immediate Family Members.

•Finally, please help our maintenance and custodial staff with clean up.  Take any trash or recycling and dispose of it.

•Thank you very much for your cooperation!  

See you tomorrow.  Remember the ceremony is ONLY for Members of the Class of 2020 -Parents/Guardians and Immediate Family Members.  Greeters will be checking names at each entrance.  Your family name MUST be on the list.  No other guests or visitors will be allowed in the stadium (except the media and specifc WA personnel).

Stay Healthy, Stay Safe!

Respectfully, Jim Antonelli