Midterm Exam Information

Happy New Year!

Good afternoon,

Below you will find information about the upcoming midterm exams.  The schedule is provided along with some other important details. 

Mid-Term Assessment Schedule 2022-2023


IMPORTANT NOTICE: Midterm Percentage:  Since we have not held midterm and final exams throughout the pandemic we realize that students are not that familiar with a “high stakes” exam.  Therefore, for this year, midterm and final exams will have a percentage weight of 6%, instead of 10% which was the percentage prior to the pandemic. 

NOTE:  Dismissal is quite busy during midterm exams.  One suggestion is to let your student stay at W.A. and study with peers, seek extra help from their teachers, or find a quiet place to study in the library or in the cafeteria.  There are plenty of locations for students to study in small groups to prepare for upcoming exams. In addition, food is available at lunch and there are healthy snacks in our vending machines.  Thank you in advance for your patience during a busy time at the high school.

Study Tips for Midterms

Plan ahead

At one time or another we have all waited until the last moment to study and crammed before a big exam. Cramming so much information in such little time results in poor test results. The brain can only process and retain so much information in such little time. To avoid cramming, organize your time by putting aside time to study each day leading up to the exam. 

Start Early

Gather together all the materials you’ve received during the term - handouts, notes, projects, past assignments, and past assessments.  Read through your class notes twice and use a highlighter.

Take Advantage of Extra Help Time

On mid-term exam days, time has been set aside from 7:35 – 8:25 AM AND 12:30 – 1:55 PM for you to receive extra help from your teachers.

Step away from Technology

We are all guilty of watching Netflix, updating social media, and texting while we are studying. Thanks to technology, we can have trouble focusing on just one thing.  Turn it off or leave it in another room to reduce distractions.

Stress Management

If you are feeling overwhelmed, take a break from studying and hit the gym or take a walk.  Give yourself time to breathe.

Study in Groups

Working with others not only helps clarify questions you may have, it makes studying more enjoyable. Your peers are going through the same thing, so get some of your classmates together and make it less stressful on all of you by working together!

Sleep & Eat

Sleep the recommended NINE hours per night for teens and eat a healthy breakfast to allow for appropriate concentration and functioning. 

**Midterms don’t have to be stressful, as long as you prepare!  Keep yourself organized and focused leading up to midterms.  Also, make sure to get a good night’s rest and a healthy breakfast before exams!  Good luck!**

Respectfully, Jim Antonelli