Monday afternoon- April 6th

Just wanted to say hello!

Good afternoon,

I hope you were able to enjoy your weekend.  I know today was new for everyone.  My guess is that it was a "little crazy" as students began to work on the Remote Learning Plan.  Take it slow.  We are all in this together.  I will be working closely with our curriculum coordinators to review/refine the plan as we move forward.  Please allow teachers to get acclimated to the new plan.  Many of our teachers have already reached out to me saying how eager our students were today!  That is a good sign!

Even more important is your health and the healthy of your family.  As stated by the President, the "next two weeks" are going to be very difficult.  Please remind your students to stay home.  Hunker down as this apex comes at us!  We must decrease the spread of this virus.  Pick up basketball games, or other social interactions are MUCH too dangerous.  I know it is hard.  It is very hard.  But we can do this!  We can do this together!  Hang in there!  

Stay healthy and stay strong BY Practicing Social Distancing!  PLEASE!  

This too shall pass!  I keep saying it and I believe it!

Sincerely and Respectfully, Jim Antonelli