Monday, March 23, 2020


Good afternoon,

I hope and pray that everyone had a good day.  Please keep all of our heathcare professionals and first responders in your thoughts and paryers.

Tomorrow I will be hosting a Google Meet with the WA Admin Team. We have a very full agenda.  It reminds me of my "honey do list" that my lovely wife prepares for me every Friday as I prepare to enter the weekend! I hope to provide you with some updates in the late afternoon.  Still many questions to answer at this point.  Stay tuned.  Stay Healthy and Stay Safe!  This too shall pass!  Warm regards, Jim Antonelli

Notice from Food Service below:

Westford Public Schools remains dedicated to offering lunches to our students.  There is a sign up sheet on the district website where parents can order lunches on a weekly basis.  Beginning tomorrow, Tuesday, March 24 and then continuing every Monday through the governor's Stay At Home Advisory, a week's supply of lunch items will be available for pick up at the side entrance of the WA cafeteria.  Pick up times are from 10 am to 12 pm.    

Regards,Colleen Wallace

Food Service Director

Westford Public Schools