Thursday, March 19, 2020


Good afternoon,

First and foremost I am thinking about the entire Westford Academy School Community!  I miss "my 1700+ kids" and seeing their cheery and friendly smiles.  Nothing makes me feel better than greeting our seniors each morning with a smile and a good morning! I also miss the conversations and the camaraderie of the faculty and staff!   I like my routines!  I miss my routines, as I am sure all of you do as well.  I continue to repeat in my mind, over and over again, "this too shall pass" as I go through my day and before I close my eyes at night!  Hang in there!  We are strong and we will beat this together!  

I have received a few phone calls and several emails regarding teaching and learning.  Please take a moment to read the message below.  

Thank you for reaching out and sharing your concern.  As you can imagine, you are not alone. There has been much discussion in the news about the concept of online learning and questions from families about whether or not we will be moving in that direction. The state has made it clear that, due to inequities in access to materials and proper supports to meet the needs of all students, districts should not formally assign or grade new learning experiences or mandate participation in distance learning at this time.

While we await additional guidance and support from the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, please know that we continue to have daily discussions and brainstorming sessions regarding what this may look like if the school closure is extended.

In the meantime, I would like to clarify learning expectations starting next week when we release our first round of activities for students:

Students will not receive mandatory or graded assignments.

Any resources shared by the District, schools, or teachers are suggestions for engaging students in enrichment opportunities from home and keeping them connected to school.

Activity options will be refreshed every 1 or 2 weeks (depending on the grade-level).

I thank you for your patience and cooperation as we navigate through this unprecedented time.

This is a consistent message being delivered by administrators within the Westford Public School District.

~ Respectfully, Jim Antonelli