Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Today's Announcement from Gov. Baker

Good afternoon,

What can I say?  I know that Governor Baker made the right decision for the health and safety of everyone in public and private schools, but it really stings today! My heart sunk when the words left his mouth!  That said, we MUST keep our heads held high and beat this nasty virus.  What happened yesterday on the shorelines and in some other public places WILL set us back.  We must continue to follow the course of action in order to defeat this virus as outlined by our Governor and other health officials.  You could sense the pain in his voice today as he shared how he misses his 91-year-old Dad and how he loves to sit on his front porch close to the Swampscott Town Common and to view promgoers prior to the Prom!  A Westford tradition as well!  

Seniors, I am so sorry!  You have worked very hard and deserve this right of passage.  Please know that we are working hard to provide you with some celebration and closure for this school year.  I will have more information for you tomorrow afternoon regarding next steps.  I have a conference call in the morning and I will then communicate some specific next steps tomorrow afternoon.  Thank you for your patience and understanding.  I am thinking about ALL of you right now!  Take care and look out for each other during this most difficult time.

Stay strong!  Mr. Antonelli