Workspace Tips from the Guidance Department

Resending to all of you!

Workspace Tips from the Guidance Department

The Guidance Department put together the video below to help students develop a positive workspace during this time of remote learning. With the recent news that school would be closed for the remainder of the year, here are some additional suggestions that can further help students be successful:

1. After 8am on Mondays (when new assignments are posted), we recommend that students login to each of his/her Google Classrooms and write out all of the assignments (either in an agenda book, phone app, whiteboard, etc.) This will show the student what needs to be completed over the entire week.

2. Students should schedule out their week in chunks of school work. You may want to start with the easiest subjects for you and move on to more difficult ones throughout the week. 

3. Teachers have posted office hours - Please use these if you are having difficulty. 

4. Guidance counselors are always available to our students. Please reach out to your counselor to set up an appointment if you need help with anything.