Missed Rental Day

Missed Rental Day?

Hi Folks...
We often get the question: "We couldn't attend rental day. How should we get an instrument?"
Your choices are -
1. Rent online from one of the vendors who were at our rental day, and get the same rates as you would have received if you attended. This is a great option since it is inexpensive, insured, and the vendors make weekly visits to the school to exchange and repair instruments. Please see this site for links to the rental companies and their rates. Once you place your order, it will be delivered to the school, and your instrumental teacher will give it to the student.  
2. Visit a local music store which rents instruments. See this link.
3. Other - you are always free to purchase your own, use a hand-me-down, etc. It is always best to have the instrument checked by the teacher first to see that it is in good, working condition, and that the instrument is the correct size (for stringed instruments).