Spring has Sprung...an update! WPS 4-1-2023

Moving right along…


Onward and upward…


Our next WPS Strategic District Improvement Plan has been approved by the School Committee and its objectives and initiatives will guide us through FY26.  Within it, we updated our Mission & Vision with a the few adjustments that more clearly reflect our priorities for the district:


We value the development of curious lifelong learners who are responsible, empathetic members of the community, demonstrating innovation through a wide variety of opportunities within inclusive, joyful learning environments that embrace their variability and honor their diversity. 


We believe in preparing our students for active, positive participation as both local and global citizens by developing and fostering creativity, communication, collaboration, and critical thinking.


As we enter April, we would like to highlight that one of our strategic objectives articulates our commitment to increasing sustainability by collaborating with our Town partners to support goals outlined in the Westford’s Climate Roadmap authored by the Clean Energy and Sustainability Co. Additionally, we would like to share with all of our families that Westford Climate Action is encouraging all of us to celebrate April as Earth Month and have provided a number of resources and lists of activities to consider throughout the entire month.


In just two short weeks, we will begin April Vacation (4/17-4/21).  Hopefully, everyone will be able to get just what they need out of that time in order to reset for the final stretch of the school year.


When we come back from vacation, we have the privilege of hosting the MA Board of Education April Meeting here in Westford as this year’s student member of the Board is our very own WA senior Eric Plankey.  He has been doing a phenomenal job throughout the year advocating for students all over the state through his unique role on the Board.  We are incredibly proud of his willingness to take on this responsibility and how well he has represented Westford throughout the process.


Finally, we would like to thank everyone who participated in this year’s Annual Town Meeting and supported the process of approving our budget for next school year.  It is a vital aspect of our democracy reminding us of the importance of having a voice in local decisions. Developing each budget is a long process; this month we will begin discussions with our town partners on Fiscal Year 2025 as we look to proactively project the future needs of the district and how our schools can be best supported in a fiscally sustainable manner. 






Christopher Chew, Ed. D

Superintendent of Schools

Westford, MA